A clean bill of environmental health through our understanding of environmental conditions is one of the most important considerations during property transactions. ABF can help you identify all environmental risks early with complete site assessments and offer real solutions based on specific business needs.

Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I & II)
Most environmental due diligence starts with Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments. ABF offers Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) performed in conformance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International Standard E1527-13 and on behalf of the user.

Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs)
A Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) is an evaluation of environmental conditions for a piece of property or facility prior to being purchased. A BEA focuses on the contamination of hazardous substances on the piece of property, and documents conditions at the time of purchase or lease for liability protection.

Document of Due Care Compliance (DDCC)
The owners and operators of property that is contaminated that have obligations to ensure that the contamination does not cause unacceptable human exposures, and the contamination is not exacerbated or worsened.

Underground Storage Tank Management (UST)
ABF has the experience and knowledge necessary to handle all aspects of underground storage tank (UST) removal and closure. Our staff has extensive knowledge of applicable state and federal UST regulations and uses that information to help site owners decide whether to remove an underground tank, conduct remediation, or maintain the UST in place.

Transaction Screen Assessment
A Transaction Screen Assessment is a cost-effective environmental due diligence report. Sometimes called an Environmental Transaction Screen, the Transaction Screen Assessment is essentially a scaled down version of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.

Sub Slab Vapor Assessment
Vapor intrusion occurs when chemical vapors migrate from contaminated soil and/or groundwater through the soil pore spaces into the basements or beneath foundations of buildings. These chemical vapors can migrate into and degrade indoor air, sometimes to the point of posing risks to human health.